What is Telegram Passport

Telegram Passport is a service that will allow you to store your documents like Passport, Driving License, Financial Statements, etc on their server for online personal identification.

What is the use of Telegram Passport?

You can use this service to verify you by providing your documents directly from Telegram Passport like if any app or online service requires you’re ID card or documents to provide service then you can provide your document like driving license etc directly from your Telegram Passport. You can also say it an online wallet for ID cards & Documents.

What about the security of your Documents & ID cards?

Your Documents, ID cards are protected by End-to-End Encryption & Password. Even Telegram has no access to the data you store in your Telegram passport.

So you can use this service to store your documents, ID cards, etc for online verifications.

Simi Walia

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